Monday, June 30, 2008

This is part 2 of Event Watch: Moblin - Intel's Mobile Flavour.

After spending two hours, the Mobile Image Creator (MIC) created Moblin environment on my development machine. During these period, it swallow 1GB and after completing all the target environment swallow 600+MB of my hard drive (Hope that each target only took 373.8MB, others are one time update of necessary components).

Okey, let me write about the remaining notes about the seminar. Moblin is nothing but a emulator of the target device. It contains all set of libraries to develop rich interactive, power saved mobile applications. You can develop and deploy your C++/Python source code into the environment.

The lunch was excellent and one of the high attractive point in this seminar.

After the lunch, Thamarai Selvi from Anna University presented a full length of theoretical session about various mobile communication. Its good to her to explain all brief about Wifi, WiMax and other non-matured technologies. But she just forgot that this is neither academic class room nor off-room lecturer.

The final session "Ubuntu in the Mobile Space" was given by Prakash from Canonical, a sponsor of Ubuntu. He provided good and humorous speech about Ubuntu's Notebook edition (a very thin laptop) and he talked about Ubuntu's mobile edition Linux on Moblin.

A Simple Hello World! Application
I followed the steps to create a sample Hello World application in Moblin at

One very important thing while create project, add target and setting FSets is that please connect your system with a broad band internet connection. It gets lots and lot of things from

It is pleasure for Intel to give all required components in a separate development CD/DVD kit.

Two things I would like to tell Intel.

1. Atleast provide the entire Moblin kit in a DVD.
2. Be sure what is needed to be conveyed to the large audience, because now you are targeting the developers and you should touch their heart as like as the one and only Microsoft and its various TechEd/TechMela/Day events those are nothing but a magic point on which all developers are focused.

Caution: You have to spend more than two hours when you selected a full target function sets on the selected target. For Samsung full function set It downloads more than 450 components from Internet. What a wonderful repository? Actually, why Intel organized Moblin like this way. God only knows.